Boating & Fishing

In the Town of Neversink there are two reservoirs that are owned by the City of New York and supplies NYC with drinking water. Recreational boating is allowed on the Neversink Reservoir. Boats must be cleaned before each use. Recreational Boating is not allowed on the Rondout Reservoir. Fishing is permitted on both reservoirs. You must have a NYS fishing license and a NYC Department of Environmental Protection Access Permit to fish on both reservoirs. Use of row boats on both reservoirs is permitted. All boats must be inspected and cleaned before being placed on either reservoir.
NYC DEP has many public access areas in the Town of Neversink. The main ones are around the Neversink and Rondout Reservoirs. Other land is open for hiking, hunting and trapping. It is important to remember that you must have a NYC DEP Access Permit to use their lands and follow the posted signs as to what activities are permitted. If fishing a NYS Fishing License is required.
The Town of Neversink Town Clerk’s office sells NYS DEC Hunting and Fishing licenses. We also have the applications for the NYC DEP Access Permits or you can go to to apply online.